Procon General Contractors was founded in 1990 by Frank Ricci. The owner of Procon General Contractors has established a successful Toronto business for over three decades, relying solely on the power of word of mouth. With a solid reputation built on trust and quality craftsmanship, Procon General Contractors has become a trusted name in the industry. Throughout the years, the owner's commitment to delivering exceptional service and exceeding customer expectations has led to countless satisfied Toronto clients who continue to recommend Procon General Contractors to friends, family, and colleagues. This unwavering dedication to excellence has allowed Procon to thrive in a competitive market and become a go-to choice for construction projects. Whether it's residential or commercial, the owner's expertise and long-standing reputation have made Procon General Contractors a reliable and respected name in the field.
Renovating Homes Across Toronto
We confidently guarantee top-notch results for every project, regardless of its size or complexity.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us. You can reach us by phone at 416 543-6840 or send us an email. We are here to help and provide the support you need. Whether you have inquiries about our products, services, or any other matter, feel free to get in touch. Our team is available to answer your queries and address any concerns you may have. Don't hesitate to reach out to us – we value your time and are committed to providing excellent customer service.
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